Our family has a YouTube channel AwakenWithMark which was blessed to be monetized (1k subscribers & 4k viewing hours) in about 4 months. The average time frame for a channel to monetize is 1-2 years. We had a video, 3 Reasons People Don’t Stay in Africa, go viral approaching 1Mil views. Not bad for two sixty-somethings. Our grown sons were amazed and the next journey began transforming the channel into a Family Channel.

We have purchased properties in Tanzania/Zanzibar and as an African American family are living our dream of building a family business that our sons lead, creating generational wealth. Our goal is to help you to do the same! Our experiences are shared in various platforms through this website, videos, ebooks, and online courses.

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Mark Bradley

Life Coach, Writer, Song Writer, Author

Marlene Bradley

Educator, Nutritionist, Wellness Enthusiast

Josiah Bradley

Writer, Storyteller, Podcaster

Ethan Bradley

Marketing Wiz, Networking, Talent Management

Matthew Bradley

Storyteller, Photographer, Videography

Daniel Bradley

Techie, Web Designer, Content Creator