The Most Important Step To Moving Abroad

This article is about how to tune your life for a move, a major decision or minor decision, when it comes to trying to choose a direction to move forward in your life.

We’re also going to include what the Most High (God) has to say about that.

In terms of making a move whether it’s major or minor, one of the things that occurred to us – having family members who play a stringed instrument like the guitar – is you cannot actually tune a stringed instrument unless the string is moving.

That bears repeating.

It is pretty near impossible to tune a guitar, cello, bass or any other stringed instrument if the string is not moving. Because the vibrations of the string can then be adjusted when the string is moving.

If the string isn’t moving no adjustment can take place.

And that’s how it is with our lives.

A lot of folks ask us various questions with regards to our family moving to Africa and making decisions… 

Maybe even changing a job…

Maybe even looking at what they’ll do with their home, whether to permanently live or rent…

Or should they go to college or university at this particular place.

People are thinking about a lot of things like that, but we want to say to you there’s something that’s just sitting in the scriptures as basic as what we covered earlier.

And that is through movement – God will lead you, and He will guide you.

For example, take this passage from Proverbs chapter 6 verses 22 – 23:

When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.

For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

This follows a discussion about the Law – the Torah – and how it ought to be around your neck and on your heart, the table of your heart, which indicates that’s what you’re eating up.

In other words, what we should all be consuming for nourishment.

But the the point is that there’s a discussion in Proverbs 6 about how God’s law will actually guard us when we sleep.

It will protect us.

We will also be given instruction when we’re awake.

  1. Guidance
  2. Protection
  3. Speaking

But there’s one thing that occurs and that must occur before those things happen.

Not only will it lead you.

Not only will it guard you in your sleep.

Not only will it give you instruction when you’re awake.

If you look at the first couple of words in that verse it says, “When thou goest, it shall lead thee.”

When you go, it will lead you.

You begin with movement first.

3 critical words:




Think about that.

Again, to get an instrument in tune – and this is about getting your life in tune and knowing you’re going the right direction – when you go, when you begin moving, that’s when the leading happens.

It is very hard to lead something that’s not moving, that is stationary.

Truly, it takes faith to hear that, and it’s a little challenging.

Think about that and do your own experiment.

Maybe try to tune a bass guitar or an acoustic or a lead guitar. Go ahead and try it without moving the string and see how that works out for you.

It’s a guarantee that you will experience the leading, the protection while you sleep, and the guarding of your soul, as well as the instruction when you awake and when you rise, if you just follow the first part.

Take the first step.

Go and take stock of your finances.

Go and get out of debt.

Go and subscribe to that travel channel.

Go join that travel Facebook group.

Go buy/renew your passport.

Go and write your favorite destinations.

Go and take control of your life.

Again, take the first step.


Get moving, and you will be lead to success.

  • Josiah Bradley

Who We Are.

AwakenWithMark is a YouTube channel made up of the Bradley family who live happily Zanzibar, in East Africa.

They are Mark, his wife Marlene, and their sons Josiah and Daniel.

What happens when an African-American family returns home to Africa?

Join our family on the most important journey of our lives. It’s important to walk in faith, validate our DNA, and position ourselves to remember a culture given by The Most High. Perhaps you too will be inspired to return to the Motherland.
